URK 74. and 75. International Cat Shows

The info letter for the show will be linked here later!

Näyttelyn pääsponsorina toimii Dagsmark!

URK Anniversary Shows 19-20 October 2024 in Riihimäki 


Join us in celebrating URK's 40th anniversary with dazzling Glitz & Glitter -themed international cat shows! The shows will be traditional one certificate per day shows. We hope to see our theme in your outfits and cage decorations - the best outfit and cage will be chosen on both Saturday and Sunday.   


Venue: Cocks Areena, Hj. Elomaan katu 4, Riihimäki

Date: 19.-20.10.2024  

  • Veterinary control and registration    
    • Sat 8.15–9.45 am, Sun 8–9 am  
  • Judging starts Sat 10 am, Sun 9.15 am  
  • The show ends at 17 pm the latest on both days 
  • Open to visitors Sat 10 am–14 pm , Sun 9.15 am–13.30 pm  


Main sponsor Dagsmark 



  • Britta Busse (allbreed) DE
  • Dorota Szadurska (allbreed) PL
  • Steven Corneille (TICA ja LOOF allbreed) FR
  • Lene Glem (B, 2) DK
  • Ad de Bruijn (1, 3, 4) NL
  • Francesco Cinque (1, 3, 4) IT
  • Sara Ojaniemi (3, 4) FI
  • Susanna Piispanen (2, 4) FI
  • Marco Scaglia (3, 4) IT
  • Robert Nowak (3, 4) PL  
    • student Annukka Rintakumpu (2) FI
    • student Harri Saari (4) SE

Rights to changes reserved.  



Cats must be vaccinated according to Suomen Kissaliitto and FIFe rules. For rules and regulations regarding the import of cats to Finland from other EU countries, please refer to Ruokavirasto guidelines. Pedigrees and vaccination certificates must be presented upon entry to the show hall. Veterinary control is done by random sample. Hearing certificates are required for white cats. Suomen Kissaliitto and FIFe show rules apply. Cats can be presented by their owners. The size of show cages in 65 x 65 x 56 cm. You are allowed to bring your own show shelter as long as the minimum dimensions are 50 x 50 x 50 cm. A welfare officer will be making rounds during the show weekend to make sure minimum requirements are followed.   


A maximum of 380 cats per day. If too many cats are entered, elimination will be done based on categories and payment date.    


Registration is open until 15 September 2024 or until the show is full.

  • URK members 36 €  
  • Other FIFe club members 40 €  
  • Non-FIFe cats 55 €  
  • Show catalogue (in Finnish) 5 € (both days included)


Our show fee also covers prizes such as certificate and title rosettes.   


Registration preferably through the Omakissa system at https://omakissa.kissaliitto.fi. Please note you must register as a user first. For assistance with the Omakissa system, please refer to the Omakissa support page. Entries are to be paid upon registration using the payment information provided in Omakissa. Unpaid registrations will be deleted.

If you are unable to register using the Omakissa system, you can send the entry form by email to show@urk.fi. Please fill in a separate entry form for both days and make sure the entry makes it to show secretary within the registration period. Entries must be paid to URK's bank account FI27 5092 0920 5147 57(BIC: OKOYFIHH), reference number 1300, URK members reference 2600. Please enclose a copy of payment receipt with the entry form.    


Show catalogues will be available to exhibitors online. In case you want a physical copy, please purchase a copy during the Omakissa registration process (5 €). No physical copies will be available for sale at the venue. 


For corrections and changes to show classes please contact show secretary Erika Aaltonen at show@urk.fi. Only changes to classes and colours are permitted after 15 September 2024.  





  • Show secretary   
    • Erika Aaltonen show@urk.fi  
  • Show managers
    • Riku Kaunisto riku.kaunisto@finnair.com  
    • Milla Kuusisto-Jauhiainen milla.kuusisto@luukku.com  
  • Chief steward
    • Pasi Urpiola pasi.urpiola@gmail.com  
    • Assistenteille maksetaan korvaus.  
  • Vendors 
    • Sanna-Leena Santapakka puheenjohtaja@urk.fi  
  • Finance
    • Riikka Tuomi rahastonhoitaja@urk.fi  
  • Show mentor
    • Päivi Kilpeläinen paivi@urk.fi  
  • Welfare officer
    • Anne Kontula anne@urk.fi  


For further information,  

contact the club through our Facebook page or email our club president Sanna-Leena Santapakka at puheenjohtaja@urk.fi.  


 Hotels: Booking.com 

